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The Dmitriev-Witkoff Pact as the Basis of the Putin-Trump Partnership

The Dmitriev-Witkoff Pact as the Basis of the Putin-Trump Partnership © Сгенерировано Grok 3 по запросу ZN.UA

Before any official reports appeared around the results of the conversation between the leaders of the Russian Federation and the United States of America, Russian representative Kirill Dmitriev wrote that “under the leadership of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump, the world has become much safer today! What a loud statement, it can even be recorded in history! Such a statement sounds very epic!” It must be said that it is obvious that Kirill Dmitriev was allowed by the Kremlin political leaders to react first and make his own loud statement instead of waiting for the one who should really comment on such important events. This step emphasizes his extraordinary role in communications between the two world leaders. In addition, it is worth noting that the thesis spread from the American side: “The future of relations between the two countries (the United States of America and the Russian Federation. — M.G.) encompasses huge economic agreements and geopolitical stability.”

However, it must be said that this article is not about a conversation between two autocrats and leaders of major powers. Speaking on this topic, it is necessary to look at the possible effective results that the creators of the partnership of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump can achieve through their activities.

Coordinate system

It is necessary to emphasize the fact that the illogical, at first glance, behavior of the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump and his team actually looks quite logical if you look at it in another coordinate system. The fact is that the behavior of the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump is Orwellian. That is, it is implied that he is guided by the coordinate system of the deformed post-truth world, where the aggressor is not the real aggressor, and the victim of aggression is simply one of the parties to the conflict, its defeat is victory. In addition, it is worth saying that among other ideas of the Orwellian coordinate system there are such as the statement that surrender is peace, lies and falsifications are alternative truth, etc.

Thus, we can conclude that in this coordinate system, such principles of conducting business and behavior in general as “divide and rule”, “reject allies”, “be at war” are the norm and do not cause any surprise. However, it is worth noting the fact that this is not about the moral framework that is absent for the newly elected President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, and his administration, as well as for the mafia-kleptocratic group of St. Petersburg security officers. After all, it must be said that the point is that if you look at the speed with which the United States of America is transforming from a global leader of the free world into a dictatorship of the personalist type, what significant tectonic shifts are taking place in the once powerful economy of the United States of America, then the question involuntarily arises: what is behind this and what are these actions aimed at if we analyze them taking into account our specific Ukrainian context? That is, the question arises, what consequences and impact on Ukrainian society can such sharp trends that we can observe in the United States of America have?

Alien and Predator

Based on what has been written about the types of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump, and the latter's fascination with the former since the time of the previous presidency, it can be assumed that the emergence of the partnership - let's call it TrumpPut - was programmed in advance.

It is worth emphasizing the fact that the type of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin can be characterized as similar to people who have connections with special services. In addition, it must be said that the main goal of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin is to get the maximum benefits from the partnership with the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump. It is important to note that the main goals and intentions of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin are not so much about receiving money as about obtaining intangible benefits, which are of no value to the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump. However, it must be said that for the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, these achievements are quite important, material, and an integral part of achieving the “greatness of the Russian Federation.” It is worth noting the fact that the same situation exists with, for example, the concept of “sustainable peace.”

The fact is that in the understanding of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, the concept of "lasting peace" actually means the intention to bring Ukraine and Europe into the sphere of influence of the Russian Federation. In addition, according to this influential concept of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, he borders of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) could be moved to the 1997 line or even erased and eliminated altogether.


It is worth noting the important fact that for the "counterparty" of Russian President Vladimir Putin, we are talking about the newly elected President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, such an approach to solving problems is completely acceptable and does not cause significant objections. The situation developed as follows, because the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump has a different coordinate system, with a completely different scale of values, where at the top of the pyramid of his main values ​​are profitable deals at the expense of others. Well, at this time, such influential structures as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the European Union (EU), and our Ukraine are not of interest to him in his picture of the world and have no price according to his scale of values, because he considers them to be expendable or unprofitable "assets" that will not bring him the real benefit he expects.

It is worth noting the fact that the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin knows well how to persuade other participants in a potential agreement to "offers that cannot be refused." It is worth emphasizing the fact that he has practically already achieved certain successes, particularly in Hungary. Namely, the fact that the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin has secured the strong support of Viktor Orban. It is also necessary to mention that the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin was already close to buying Ukraine during the time of Viktor Yanukovych as the President of Ukraine, and in addition, he also almost managed to successfully buy Germany - during the time of Angela Merkel as the Federal Chancellor of Germany. However, it so happened that the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin clearly overestimated his achievements and underestimated the Ukrainians in both 2014 and 2022. And then everything did not go according to his plan. It is worth noting that some points and approaches of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin managed to correct in 2019, but, again, his grandiose and decisive plans failed in 2022. Speaking on this topic, it must be said that the situation began to develop not according to plan and not in the way that the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin expected. Thus, the socio-political situation is not as he thought not only in Ukraine, but also in European Union.

However, it must be noted that many years of efforts on a special operation whose slogan is “our trusted man in the White House”, that is, in the very heart of the existential enemy that is the United States of America for the Russian Federation, suddenly brought results. It is worth saying that this happened for the second time, after 2016. Perhaps the reason for such success was that the move of the Kremlin’s political leader worked, namely, the oligarch Rybolovlev. He created the idea of ​​overpaying the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, $ 50 million for the purchase of his “corroded by Florida mold” villa in Palm Beach in 2008. It is worth emphasizing the fact that Yurii Felshtinskyi and Vladimir Popov, in their book "From the Red Terror to the Mafia State," noted this purchase as one that "most resembled a bribe, loan, advance, or bribery."

Speaking on this topic, it should be noted that Regardless of whether the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump is the product of a long-term special secret operation of the Russian Federation or not, we must realize that in the main center of democracy an element alien to it has appeared, namely the monster of Russian-style authoritarianism, grown during the Putin period. In addition, it is necessary to note the fact that this new monster in the citadel of democracy is not entirely controlled, this political leader is simply similar in type to the Russian original but has his own ideas and principles on which he is guided. Thus, it is important to say that only the Predator can deal with the Alien, by analogy with the famous Hollywood thriller. And it is the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin who is this predator. So, the American statesman and politician Kamala Harris, consciously or subconsciously, but correctly felt when she noted that the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin would simply eat the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump for lunch. However, it is worth emphasizing the fact that in reality it is not only in the movies that it is not easy for the character of the Predator to cope with the dangerous and unpredictable Alien. In addition, the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump has a universal method, namely, to take everything he can from the counterparty, and he can do this through a fraudulent deal of a racketeering nature.

However, it should be noted that such a universal effective method can be used when dealing with a weaker partner, such as Canada, Denmark, Panama and Ukraine. But when a partner is like you, just as strong and influential, that is, occupies the same important place in the socio-political arena, in this case of development of events, a balancing of interests begins to work: you will make concessions to me, help me achieve goals that are important to me, or give me something in exchange, and in this case I will help you achieve goals that are important to you and give you something in return. However, it should be emphasized that for the newly elected President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, the measure of success is only cash flows that should be generated by successful deals that will “make the United States of America great again” in his understanding.

Material context

The general idea of ​​the partnership between the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump and the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin from the Russian side (the provider is Kirill Dmitriev, who is a fairly close person to Putin's daughter Ekaterina Tikhonova. By the way, it must be said that he is already considered as a really close person to the Americans. After all, he is a graduate of Stanford and Harvard with a diploma from the Academy of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation (SVR of Russia)) is to seduce the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump (through Steve Witkoff, who has been the president's business partner and friend since the 1980s) with the prospect of large revenues from the resale of part of the energy and mineral resources of the Russian Federation on the European market. It is worth noting the fact that after the first meeting with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on February 21, Steve Witkoff stated that he “spent a lot of time with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, talking, developing friendship, relations with him…”.

For the Kremlin, the key option now is to return its oil and gas to the European Union market under the guise of non-Russian, in this case there is an opportunity to pretend that they belong to the United States of America. That is, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that the Russian Federation wants to return its natural resources to the European Union market under the guise of American. It is worth noting the fact that at the border of the Russian Federation or at the Russian export terminal, energy resources from Russian can be transformed into American. Thus, with the help of this cunning scheme, it will be possible to export various goods and natural resources from the Russian Federation to various countries under the guise that they come from the United States of America. It is worth noting the fact that such a cunning maneuver can be done at home with the help of cleverly and neatly prepared documents. So, it must be said that it was thanks to this approach to conducting business that the strong interest of such an American investor as Stephen Lynch in the restoration of the Nord Stream gas pipelines began, which is a network of offshore natural gas pipelines which run under the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany to provide Western Europe with natural gas. Apart from that, it should be said that this idea is actively supported by an old friend of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin from the East German Stasi, Matthias Warnig. In addition, it must be mentioned that the socio-political situation began to develop in such a way that someone "suddenly" wants to buy out Rosneft Deutschland's share in German oil refineries and supply them with oil from the Russian Federation.


Speaking on the central topic, it must be said that the strategy of the hidden return of Russian energy resources to the European Union market was discussed in detail in the work of the Center for Global Studies "Strategy XXI" "The Russian Federation is masking itself to return its oil and gas to Europe. How to stop its determined plans."

However, it should be noted that the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump and Stephen Witkoff can also defend their socio-political and economic interests on the world stage and know what goals they can achieve. That is why they are unlikely to be satisfied with the prices that are not profitable and quite unacceptable, which will be offered by the Russian side for the American company. It is worth saying that the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump needs to achieve the highest possible income and receive a good surplus profit. That is why the counteroffer in these difficult negotiations, or this offer can also be called a demand could be tough. It must be said that the situation could begin to develop in this way because the Russian Federation is still under sanctions, and the United States of America is in a hurry to help it get out of this difficult situation. Thus, it can be noted that in such a case it would be logical that the price of selling the resources of the Russian Federation to the American company was close to the price set for natural resources in the Russian Federation itself.

It is worth emphasizing that this approach to conducting business is unlikely to arouse enthusiasm among the Kremlin's political leaders, but the masters of making complex agreements, the representative of the Russian Federation Kirill Dmitriev and the representative of the United States of America Steve Witkoff, can probably offer an option that will satisfy both sides trying to reach an agreement on this important issue.

Speaking on this topic, it is worth saying that one of the suitable options for concluding a mutually acceptable agreement and achieving mutual understanding between the two parties is to unfreeze the frozen assets of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (260 billion euros), part of which can be promised to the American partner in the form of investments in the United States of America. It should be noted that the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump highly approves and supports the decision to invest in the United States of America.

However, it is worth saying that it is obvious that this is a corrupt proposal from the Kremlin, created not so much to finance the construction of new Trump Towers, but to replenish the joint secret fund of the two ruling "families", which will be supervised by the most trusted persons - family members, namely the daughters of the dictators.

Thus, it turns out that in the future, monetary resources will only multiply. So, we can say that money will attract more money in the interests of both influential family clans. Probably, the negotiations between the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump and the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin are on the issue of reparations from the Russian Federation. That is, the point is that if the United States of America insists on compensation for Ukraine, then the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump will not be able to get anything from the unfrozen assets of the Russian Federation.


In addition, it is worth emphasizing the fact that the “Middle Eastern Riviera” Project in the Gaza Strip, which is one of the dreams of the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump and Steve Witkoff. It is also necessary to mention the fact that Steve Witkoff is also the Special Representative of the President of the United States of America for the Middle East, which requires significant investments. Speaking on this topic, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin can promise to fulfill all the wishes and plans of the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump. The fact is that the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin knows how to trade air and make empty promises in order to deceive the opponent and in exchange to get the preservation of Russian bases in Syria, which is actively lobbied by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, whose interest is to remove Palestinians from the Gaza Strip and reduce Erdogan’s influence on the current Syrian leadership. So, as we can see, interests that seem to be purely business-related intersect with geopolitical ones.

Intangible things

It is worth noting that when it comes to intangible things that are significant for the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and insignificant for the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump in the context of the Russian Ukrainian war, they are things that — at first glance — were easily given up by the American president. This means the refusal of the United States of America to call the Russian Federation an aggressor and the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin a war criminal. In addition, we are also talking about such things as the withdrawal of the United States of America from the investigation of the crime of military aggression of the Russian Federation against our country, the refusal of Ukraine to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the failure to provide our country with any security guarantees, etc.

In fact, such a way of conducting business can be called a kind of "entry ticket" to dealing with and further good relations and profitable agreements with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin regarding the material things described above. In addition, it should be said that such a strategy of behaviour is probably also a payment of a kind of "debt" to the Kremlin political leaders. Speaking on this topic, it should be said that the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump during his first term did not terminate the existence of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), did not recognize Crimea as Russian, and did not lift sanctions on the Russian Federation. In addition, it should be said that, with the help of the "Pompeo Declaration", political leaders of the United States of America fixed the Ukrainian status of Crimea, and in Syria, American troops mercilessly destroyed an entire unit of Wagner in 2018. It is also worth noting that such a kind of "debt" to the Kremlin political leaders also consists in the fact that the President of the United States of America Donald Trump imposed sanctions against Putin's "Nord Stream-2", which is a natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany running through the Baltic Sea, financed by Gazprom and several European energy companies.

On the other hand, the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump is interested in interfering and distracting the Russian Federation from its cooperation and friendship with the People's Republic of China (PRC) and is ready to pay for it with Ukraine. It is worth emphasizing the fact that the Illusion of the possibility of such a separation was created for the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump by the authors of the program document of his presidency “Mandate for Leadership. Project 2025”. Speaking about this document, it should be said that the document states that the Cold War between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the USSR was a “struggle within the Western family”, that is, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics / the Russian Federation is thereby identified as part of Western civilization.

This is an important point that not only illustrates the fallacy of assessing the civilizational affiliation of the Russian Federation to the progressive and critical Western civilization, but also explains why many in American politics, including the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump, believe that the Russian Federation can become an ally in the fight against the People's Republic of China (PRC), which belongs to a different civilization. According to the theory given in the "Mandate for Leadership. Project 2025", it turns out that the People's Republic of China (PRC) is a hostile civilization not only for the United States of America, but also for the Russian Federation.

It should be emphasized that the statements regarding the Arctic region and the increased interest in it of the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump, namely the claims to Canada and Greenland, have greatly alarmed the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, who believes that the Arctic is primarily Russian and it is the Russian Federation that should control the Northern Sea Route. The fact is that whoever controls Greenland controls the North Atlantic, but the entrance to the western sector of the Arctic is controlled by the one who owns Spitsbergen. That is, according to this thesis, the western sector of the Arctic is controlled by Norway. It is worth saying that this is a fact that has long been unsatisfactory for the Russian Federation. Speaking on this topic, it should be mentioned that on March 14, the Kremlin made a move towards Norway, groundlessly accusing the government in the Norwegian capital Oslo of militarizing the demilitarized archipelago, contrary to the Spitsbergen Treaty of 1920. It is worth saying that practically this may be a reflection of the intentions of the Russian Federation to take the archipelago under its control. Thus, if the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump can claim a giant island, then why shouldn't the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin gain control over a small (compared to Greenland) rocky, ice-covered archipelago?

Whether there is a pact between the representative of the Russian Federation Kirill Dmitriev and the representative of the United States of America Steve Witkoff is not known for certain, just as it was not known at the time about the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact. In addition, it is worth noting the fact that it is difficult to say what is in the package of agreements on the "division of the world" that were not widely announced to the public between the two leaders. However, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that the strange synchronization of the actions of both sides is quite alarming. In addition, such conduct of affairs allows us to assume that the representative of the Russian Federation Kirill Dmitriev and the representative of the United States of America Steve Witkoff discussed and are discussing not only business issues. It is also necessary to emphasize the fact that Steve Witkoff noted at the end of February that the Russian Federation and the United States of America have many opportunities for economic cooperation, and well-established communication leads to good and productive cooperation between the two sides. In addition, such a course of action could lead to long-term partnerships in the socio-political and economic sphere of the two countries.

Ukrainian factor

Speaking on this topic, it is worth saying that for the newly elected President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, Ukraine is something of little importance, but at the same time, our country is an unpleasant problem issue. In addition, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that Donald Trump perceives Ukraine as an unpleasant problem that needs to be urgently dealt with, and which prevents him from cooperating fully with the Russian Federation in order to defeat the People's Republic of China (PRC) and Iran. However, it is worth noting that, unfortunately, the newly elected President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, is under the illusion that he will be able to win over the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, ignoring the important fact of who he is dealing with. In addition, it is worth saying that in principle, in the Western expert community, there is almost a kind of consensus that turning the Russian Federation towards the United States of America, that is, doing everything possible so that the Russian Federation has good and productive relations with the United States of America both in socio-political and economic terms, will not work. It is noted that the same course of action was once wanted to be implemented by Nixon and Kissinger when they turned the People's Republic of China (PRC) towards the United States of America, creating productive relations with it. That is, according to this consensus, the newly elected President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, will not be able to build favourable and trusting relations with the Russian Federation, no matter how he tries to do it. However, it must be said that Donald Trump continues to try to establish relations and turn the Russian Federation towards the United States of America with incredible persistence and dedication, like Sisyphus, who was the semi-mythical king of an ancient Greek city and had to roll a heavy stone up a mountain.

There is no point in listing the military positions, the surrender of which Kyiv would please the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump, rather than his efforts to establish "peace" for Ukraine. It must be emphasized that for the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump there is one general position, namely the simple and understandable idea that Ukraine should be in the Russian sphere of influence, as, ultimately, all of Europe.


Speaking about the Method of the newly elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump, it is worth saying that this is a method of brutal psychological pressure on a partner in order to force him to play by his own rules and achieve a deal on his own terms. That is why we should not have unnecessary illusions about the ultimate goal of his line of behaviour towards Ukraine. Thus, we should realize that it is important not to fall into the trap of the newly elected President of the United States of America, Donald Trump. It is worth noting the fact that Ukraine has been demonstrating for the past 11 years that it is a fairly strong opponent who does not succumb to various manipulations and dubious illegal schemes of doing business. Our country could not be destroyed even by the brutal large-scale attack of the Russian Federation on our territories, the enemy failed to seize all of our territories and divide us. Thus, despite many difficulties in the socio-political and economic life of our country during a full-scale military invasion, our people and country remain united and protected. It is worth noting that in the event of pressure from the former strategic partner, we must behave in the same decisive and unyielding manner.

In a few days, on March 23, the next round of negotiations between the United States of America and the Russian Federation was announced in Jeddah. So, we can say that the non-verbal pact of the representative of the Russian Federation Kirill Dmitriev and the representative of the United States of America Steve Witkoff, ignoring Ukraine and Europe, is in effect. However, it should be noted that it is unlikely that in the hot sands of the Saudi desert, political leaders will simply discuss the idea of ​​the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin about hockey matches. It should be noted that this is extremely important for Ukrainians and Europeans to adhere to the principle that no decisions can be made without their direct participation in any negotiations, that is, they should be guided by the principle of "nothing about us without us." In addition, the solution to counteract the approaches that certain parties use as methods of hard pressure on "partners" was expressed in an interview by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Jan Lipavsky during his visit to Ukraine in November 2024: "Toughness is something that is respected in the real world where we all live." That is why Crimea is a part of Ukraine, like other occupied territories of Ukraine, and no one will be allowed to trade them.

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