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Israel is delaying the fulfillment of the promise to treat the Ukrainian military, - the Embassy

Israel is delaying the fulfillment of the promise to treat the Ukrainian military, - the Embassy ©

The Ukrainian Embassy to the State of Israel points to the delay in official Jerusalem in providing the promised medical care to Ukrainian servicemen who were wounded during the Russian aggression. The relevant remark, accompanied by a photo of a wounded Ukrainian serviceman, was posted on the Embassy's Facebook page.

"Many Ukrainians have lost body parts due to Russian attacks. Israel is a leading country in prosthetics. We are waiting for the Israeli government to finally take the necessary humanitarian step and help Delilah (pictured) and many other Ukrainians regain their ability to move. There are no excuses for the constant delays in providing this humanitarian aid, "the publication said.

As it known, on May 2, Israeli Health Minister Nitsan Horowitz during a meeting with Ukrainian Ambassador to Israel Yevhen Korniychuk announced the allocation of quotas for the treatment of wounded Ukrainian servicemen in Israeli hospitals. However, after this statement, Israel did not start admitting Ukrainians for treatment and prosthetics.

Read this article in russian and Ukrainian.  

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