The British Embassy in Kiev manages a substantial programme of technical assistance to Ukraine as well as grant programmes aimed at securing better implementation by Ukraine of its human rights commitments and at building the capacity of civil society to contribute to the democratic process...

The British Embassy in Kiev manages a substantial programme of technical assistance to Ukraine as well as grant programmes aimed at securing better implementation by Ukraine of its human rights commitments and at building the capacity of civil society to contribute to the democratic process.

The Embassy is seeking to recruit a Programme Officer to manage a portfolio of human rights and governance projects funded by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO). The successful candidate will have good knowledge of human rights law, of the governance context in Ukraine, of project cycle management (including financial management) and strong interpersonal skills, as well as excellent English.

Further details of duties and responsibilities, as well as the application form, are available from or by fax to (44) 462 0013. The deadline for applications is 4 p.m. on Friday 29 August 2003.

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