
Help Ukraine with Ukrainian goods: here are four examples of the right kind of support

Emergency blackouts due to the bombing in Kharkiv stopped hundreds of production enterprises. The way the Ukrainians reacted to this is priceless. For days now, social networks have been calling for people to buy goods from Kharkiv brands in order to support entrepreneurs and labor groups of the indomitable city.

The same spirit of mutual assistance is the basis of the new state economic policy "Made in Ukraine" and the portal of the same name. Its purpose is to introduce the state to national manufacturers, support them with contracts, orders, expansion of client bases and sales markets. In difficult times, state companies, departments and communities do not have the moral right to buy a foreign product when a similar product is produced in our country.

Special thanks should be expressed to international organizations that support Ukraine with equipment and other industrial products for recovery, produced by Ukrainian enterprises. Such help is twice as valuable. This trend among donor organizations has appeared relatively recently, so I want to highlight some vivid examples.


Cherkasy buses from the European Union for seven communities

The service of foreign policy instruments of the European Commission financed the purchase of seven buses for seven communities within the framework of the project "Restoration of local schools for sustainability". All these buses were produced at the Cherkasy bus factory. Thus, the European Union not only supports Ukrainian communities in creating safe and comfortable conditions for the return of students to full-time studies, but also helps industrial enterprises to survive in the difficult conditions of war.

There are more than 400 employees at the plant in Cherkasy. The level of localization of buses produced at this enterprise is about 60%. This means that dozens of partner enterprises throughout Ukraine receive work. Similar tasks are performed by the "School Bus" state program, which is financed by UAH 1 billion in the 2024 budget.


Kharkiv demining machines from the United Nations (UN) for Ukrainian farmers

The World Food Program of the United Nations (UN) has purchased three machines to prepare the soil for demining in farm fields. All of them are produced in Kharkiv. The first machine was tested and handed over to the pyrotechnic units of FSD, a Swiss fund that finances mine action. Two more machines are now being manufactured.

The Swiss note that helping Ukraine with Ukrainian goods is also profitable. The price of one Kharkiv car is UAH 5.6 million, while a foreign analogue will cost from EUR 500,000, that is, four times more expensive. At the same time, the domestic machine has a serious technical advantage – the simplicity of the design makes it possible to quickly repair it after detonation right on the spot.



Cherkasy emergency repair vehicles from the World Bank for Mykolaiv

Mykolaiv received ten new Ukrainian-made emergency repair vehicles. The World Bank financed the purchase of special equipment for the city waterworks. The city is constantly under fire, so the availability of the necessary equipment in the communal services to carry out operational repairs is a matter of life.

The repair shop on wheels is a product of the Cherkasy Spets-Com-Service company, which operates under the Polycar brand. This company is known for the fact that each order is considered as a separate unique project. At least a manipulator crane or a mobile diving complex can be manufactured and installed for a universal chassis.

Николаевская городская рада


Lviv wagons from USAID for Ukrainian farmers

Agroholding "Nibulon" received 50 modern hopper wagons produced at the Research Mechanical Plant "Karpaty" thanks to the assistance of USAID. One of the largest agricultural companies of Ukraine before the invasion of the Russians mainly strategically focused on river transport to deliver grain to ports. In conditions of unstable operation of ports, the optimal alternative is railway transport.

The American agency USAID decided to help Nibulon within the framework of the "Economic Support of Ukraine" project. The modern car-building enterprise "Karpaty", located in the Lviv Region, undertook the production. With high production quality, it provided a price offer that is much more profitable than foreign analogues. So, everyone benefited from this initiative — international donors, a Ukrainian plant, and a powerful agricultural holding.

Therefore, it is worth expressing gratitude to foreign governments and international organizations that provide assistance to Ukraine with Ukrainian goods for understanding the importance of this approach. This kind of help is the most effective for us.

I call on other partners, managers of public funds and Ukrainian business to follow these examples. Ukrainian industry has enough powerful enterprises to produce everything necessary. There would be orders. It is important that we, Ukrainians, appreciate this. Then foreigners will also appreciate these opportunities for production. Any powerful economy and a strong stable state begin with this.