
Acting Mayor of Chernihiv Oleksandr Lomako: “The citizens perceive political pressure on Chernihiv as a spit in the face of the city, which did not let the enemy into the heart of the country”

After the removal of Vladyslav Atroshenko from the duties of mayor of Chernihiv, someone is constantly vandalizing the council premises. Sometimes this happens several times on the day the session is scheduled. “Deputies are being blocked so that there is no quorum,” acting mayor Oleksandr Lomako says.

In his opinion, they are trying to artificially create and show the inability of the local council to manage the community. In the meantime, the authorities are trying to ramrod a parliament resolution on transferring the powers of the local council to the city’s military administration, which can generally eliminate self-government in Chernihiv. An opinion poll of citizens shows their support for the local authorities even under such conditions.

The center of the border region, which immediately borders two hostile states – Russia and Belarus – is ready not only to fight the external enemy but also to defend its right to local self-government.

How to manage the city in conditions of constant moral pressure on it and the local parliament from the security officials and military administrations of the city and region; how the international partners, with whom there were agreements on reconstruction, react to this – this and more was discussed by CHESNO Movement and Acting Mayor of Chernihiv Oleksandr Lomako as part of a special project with the Mirror Weekly (Dzerkalo Tyzhnia).

“Mr. Oleksandr, what challenges did the city face after the removal from power of the community-elected mayor Atroshenko?”

“The removal of the mayor from the city administration is clearly a politically motivated step. When the enemy was driven from the city from the northern border a year ago, attacks on Chernihiv began from the center.

In a trumped-up case, Vladyslav Atroshenko was suspended. In the article, according to which the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NAZK) drew up the protocol, there is no such type of punishment as removal from the position, there could only be a fine. This is a reprisal, and everyone understands that the court did not make the decision alone.

In addition to pressure from the enemy, the central government is putting up artificial obstacles and demonstrating its indifference. We were not allowed to go to international official events, we are not invited when the prime minister, president or Presidential Office officials, foreign ambassadors, businessmen are in attendance: Atroshenko and representatives of the city council were nowhere to be seen at these meetings. In addition, the pressure on the heads of utility enterprises began. Everything possible was done to paralyze the work of the city.

A simple example. In the summer, in order to enter the difficult heating season, the city purchased a powerful transformer for the thermal power plant as the previous one was destroyed by Russian bombings. And the thermal power plant itself was very badly damaged. We understood even then that there would be criminal cases. Indeed, the Security Service of Ukraine initiated proceedings under the articles “Treason” and “Subversion.” Regular interrogations of deputies are now taking place in this case. However, we clearly understood that either the city would be with light and heat, but at the same time with criminal cases, or it would freeze in the dark. People are more important, and that’s why we made this decision.

Thanks to the work, despite the terrible destruction, the city entered the heating season on time, educational institutions were opened: we have more than 14.5 thousand children studying full-time, 28 schools and 35 children’s educational institutions are working; public transport operates, and all services are provided. It was hard to imagine this in April 2022.”

“How did the community react to Atroshenko’s suspension?”

“I am sure that the citizens of Chernihiv would come out to the streets of the city if we called them. We did not do this deliberately because of the martial law. We talk a lot, people come up, get indignant, express support. And it also happens in teams. And posts on social networks. But the central government has shown that no one pays attention to the opinion of the residents of Chernihiv, the decisions have already been made, and they are not subject to appeal.

In the summer, a petition against the creation of a military administration in the city on the president’s website gained the required 25,000 votes in a matter of weeks. There are results of opinion polls already after the start of hostilities. The mayor, unlike many of the security forces and officials who fled, was in the city from the first day of the invasion, and the city began to recover faster than everyone expected. Atroshenko received the Order “For Courage,” all of Ukraine honored Chernihiv. And at the same time, surveys show more than 80 percent of people’s support for the local government, despite the fact that 77.5 percent voted for Atroshenko in the elections. If the accusations were substantiated, people would react differently. In this case, it is clear to everyone, even the opponents of the mayor, that this is dirty politics.”

Социологическая группа "Рейтинг"

“What triggered the conflict? Can we say that the issue of using a company car became only a formal reason for punishment for disobedience?”

“Yes, the conflict was brewing even earlier. This may be a wake-up call for other politicians and mayors, a signal that they may face the same reprisal if they openly express their position, which will go against the position of officials of the highest echelon of power, who are appointed and not elected by the people.

This is primarily a reaction to the political unification of Atroshenko’s “Ridnyi Dim” (“Home”) party with Vitalii Klitschko’s UDAR (Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform), and it is a signal to others that this should not and cannot be done. Atroshenko was never silent, he expressed his opinion on those issues related to local self-government, but after February 24, there was not a single political statement in which he criticized the president or the government, and there were definitely no grounds for conflict. This means that as soon as the enemy was driven away, politics returned in its worst form.”

“For you, the decision of the appeals court on suspension came as a surprise, or were you already prepared for it?”

“We understood the very high probability of such a decision, but hope remained because the accusations were absurd. I did not rule out that he would be fined, and that at any moment there could be another case, and then he would definitely be suspended. But no one could have thought that the court’s decision would be so absurd.”

“What were your first steps after taking over the board?”

“I have been working in the city administration since 2015. In the previous convocation as the deputy mayor, and since 2020 as the secretary of the city council. I understand all the challenges, which, of course, became more difficult after the removal of the mayor.

First of all, it was necessary to quickly send a signal to the city that, despite the presence of a court decision, the authorities continued working and people would not be harmed. Atroshenko called the team together, asked everyone to stay and work, emphasized that he would be supported if the team worked harmoniously, responsibly, and even more diligently.

We have adopted a number of programs. In support of people who lost their homes during the war; last year it was identical for the private sector, this year for apartments destroyed or significantly damaged as a result of Russian aggression. We also compensate for the costs of utility services for the year. At the recent session, a program was adopted on the material support of our heroes of the rear – employees of the budget sector, doctors, utility workers. UAH 42 million was allocated for this.

It was important to show international partners – because we had a lot of experience as twin cities – that nothing had changed in us. They were shocked and I had to quickly signal my partners. We wrote letters that our government was stable, our team remained in place, the mayor was removed – indeed, we consider the decision unfair, but this is the court’s decision, we will comply with it, and we will continue to work.

International partners, in the context of cooperation and assistance from their side, do not understand the wording ‘military administration.’ They hear only military – and the word ‘administration’ does not exist for them. They can work only with elected people, with the municipality, but not with a temporary structure appointed from above, which exists only during the martial law.”

“Does it have an impact on international partnerships and attracting investment?”

“They look at this situation with their eyes wide open. Relationships are put on hold. We have to make a lot of efforts to convince them that nothing will change in our work. For instance, last year the mayor started negotiations regarding the construction of 410 apartments for people who lost their homes. In December, due to political pressure, the partners put this process on hold. We were told that the partners are monitoring the situation and do not yet understand what will happen next and whether the city will have the authority – for example, to allocate land, financial capacity because part of the funds must come from the city budget. This is an investment worth about 23 million euros. Last week, after all, we officially signed the memorandum, we are moving on to its implementation.”

“Please tell us how the council works now. It is mined every time. Who does it and why?”

“Everyone is in their place, the team has experience and understanding of what to do. And most importantly, it has the support of Chernihiv residents. Meanwhile, someone really wants to artificially demonstrate and report to the top that the local government is incompetent, and thus subordinate the executive body, communal enterprises, and institutions to the appointed official. Disregarding the choice and opinion of Chernihiv residents in this way for the sake of political interests and reprisal. Moreover, the reprisals were not against Atroshenko, not against the deputy or deputies, but against the city of Chernihiv, which withstood the onslaught of orcs (the derogatory naming of russian invaders), and today does not want to sag under one of the political forces (Lomako ran in the elections to the Verkhovna Rada in early 2022 from the UDAR party, and “Servant of the People” understood that it was unable to nominate its candidate due to a low rating.. — I.L.).

The methods used for this very much contradict all the values for which Ukraine is currently fighting, they are closer to the values professed by the Russian Federation, against which we are fighting. We clearly understand that Ukraine is fighting not only for territory and statehood, but also for democracy, freedom, and self-government.

Board at the entrance near the city

I spoke with many representatives of other countries. They are shocked by such decisions of the courts and the submission to the Verkhovna Rada of an initiative to liquidate local self-government in Chernihiv. And in essence, this involves the risk of liquidation of all local self-government in the country.

A year ago, when the city was bombarded, the city was in ruins – there was no military administration. And we managed to survive! Everyone – the mayor and deputies who remained, the team – under those conditions ensured the functioning of the city. And a year later, when the city began to be rebuilt very actively, a military administration was introduced.

We know the situation in Zaporizhzhia, where there is no head, we know the situation in Poltava, in Kryvyi Rih, in front-line communities where military administrations have not been formed. There are no Russian troops in the Chernihiv region, there is no threat today, according to official information from our intelligence and military leadership. And when a proposal is submitted for the liquidation of local self-government, it is an unprecedented decision for the entire country, for our partners, and first of all – for the residents of Chernihiv.

The goal is clear: instead of an elected city government that works efficiently but is very independent, put an appointed manager who will not ask tricky questions, will follow orders, and will personally sign off on all decisions. The appointed official is responsible only to the one who appointed him. Self-government is about something else.”

“How often is the council mined?”

“So far, the premises were mined in December 2015, on the day when Atroshenko was sworn in to the city council. The next time was on the sixth and seventh of February 2023, twice in a row.

The third time it was mined on the day of the session, when there was a question of assigning the duties of the mayor. It is purely formal, according to the law, it is an automatic action, but in order to accept my signature, Center for the Provision of Administrative Services needs a council decision. Then they checked everything very thoroughly, even my personal car. The server room was opened, the key was broken in the lock, the door was sawed off with a grinder. The search was very long. I communicated that we were going back to the hall or just having a session elsewhere and 20 minutes later everything was unlocked.

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The premises were also mined during the last session, twice. Firstly, a few minutes before the meeting, and then – in the evening, when we considered all the issues on the agenda and ended the meeting. On that side, they did not have time to mine the site on time.”

“How do the deputies react? Are they sympathetic? Is there a majority in the council?”

“Deputies are under moral pressure, but there is a majority of deputies. It is not formed according to the principles of monomajority, it is monolithic. This is the monomajority of Chernihiv residents. I always say that there are different political flags in the city council. That’s what the people of Chernihiv decided in the elections. But when it comes to the development of our city and the protection of the country, we have only one flag, blue and yellow. And with regard to politics... Politics is in the center, and city management and city development are vital for Chernihiv. After the removal of the mayor, three sessions have already been held, and since February 24 – 14 in total. There are no problems with quorum and votes, 30 of the 42 deputies are meeting, sometimes more. The last one, in connection with the actions of security forces and military administrations, was more difficult, but it was carried out.

Deputies, of course, are sympathetic, hold on and work. Deputies are primarily guided by the opinion of the people, and it was formed in such a way that the city council should work. The pressure on local self-government in the city of Chernihiv is perceived, among other things, as self-disrespect and spitting in the face of the city, which did not let the enemy into the heart of the country.

Security forces regularly conduct “interviews” with the deputies of our faction. They come to work and just chatter. The very fact of these conversations is not very pleasant for teachers, school principals, and doctors. And it’s not just once.

Before the visit of the president, local officials had a very strong desire to disrupt the session. After the publication of the decree on convening the session on March 30, four deputies immediately received a summons to the law enforcement agencies as witnesses for questioning in the case of the purchase of a transformer, precisely at the time of the city council meeting. What a “coincidence.”


Another one was summoned to the Military Committee because his suspension as a university teacher ends in a week, and the military commander wants to extend it on the day and time of the session. “Otherwise, there will be no postponement” is a direct quote.

Deputy Iryna Dolzhykova was treated most harshly. She was taken off the train in Kyiv. Six armed men. And at the police station at the train station, they were kept for almost three hours for no reason. Then she was taken to the car. But at the very first roadblock on the way out of Kyiv, they stopped and held for more than an hour with complaints to the driver that he had some wrong license. When Iryna got behind the wheel herself, the driver was immediately released. At the entrance to Chernihiv, she was stopped again, her passport was taken away, and it seems that they could not check it at the base. One of the border guards reported that there is an instruction not to let her go anywhere while there is a session in Chernihiv. As a result, she was never allowed in Chernihiv, escorted to Kyiv in a police car and warned not to try to return until the end of the day. She never made it to the session.

Since the establishment of the military administration, the city council has been protected by the National Guard. It is not subordinate to the city. Previously, anyone could visit the city council for a session. But on this particular day, the National Guard gave the order to close the city council and not let anyone in. They claimed that it was Bryzhynskyi’s team. The last two deputies, whom we were waiting for the quorum, broke into the city council after five hours of questioning.”

“Did you accept any controversial questions at the session?”

“No doubt. The projects were passed by all commissions on which there were representatives of various factions. The question of creating a city museum, material aid, support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, exemption from paying utility bills for people whose homes have been destroyed, and even the question of financing the Central African Republic. Although, according to the law, the ACA must be financed from the state budget.

Deputies from “Servant of the People” entered the hall but did not register. The deputies of “Nash Krai” (“Our Region”) did not come. The mass media reported that their deputy was physically locked in the office because the deputies wanted to come to the session, where there were really important issues for the community.”

“Was there a response or reaction to your appeal to the Verkhovna Rada against expanding the powers of the Chernihiv City Military Administration?”

“The best response to our appeal is that they couldn't push through this resolution quickly.”

“Who do you communicate with from Bankova Street? Did they turn to the president, Mr. Deputy Prime Minister Kubrakov because he is responsible for regional policy?”

“We are turning to them again. Everything is very simple. The city suffers from politics. But, despite everything, we are open to dialogue and cooperation with the Verkhovna Rada, the Cabinet of Ministers, the President’s Office and local officials. We have a war. The future of the country is at stake. We must fight for the country, not against each other.”

“Which of the mayors supports you?”

“First of all — the Association of Cities of Ukraine. And this is more than a thousand communities. A lot of mayors of regional centers understand that if it is possible to deal with Chernihiv in such a demonstrative way, then the entire local self-government will be destroyed, and this is already a systemic thing. Many people perceived the removal of the mayor as a personal problem. Atroshenko has not been in charge of the city for two months, and the pressure has only intensified. So, it is not a matter of personality. Tomorrow it can be, say, Filatov or Terekhov, whoever it is, regardless of the proximity of hostilities or the internal situation. This signal is very negative.”

Андрей Садовый / Telegram

“At what level do you currently communicate with the City Military Administration and its head Bryzhynskyi?”

“The military administration in the city was created by the president. And we all support the president. That is why, from the first day, I declared my readiness to contribute to the work of the City Military Administration and the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to them, related to the defense capability of the city.

When they registered a military administration at our address, I allocated to them two vacant rooms, one of them being the mayor’s office. Bryzhynskyi was invited to speak at the session after his appointment, he spoke and left. There were no complaints about the decisions we made, and there were no complaints made publicly either.

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I told all my subordinates not to interfere, but to meet him halfway if he asked for some information. Although I clearly stated that we will not allow the rights of local self-government to be limited because we have a responsibility before the people.”

Read this article in russian and Ukrainian.